Cost Reduction
The easiest way to increase your profit is through reducing spend, however many small business owners don't want (or don't have the time) to review their overhead expenses. Broven can complete an overhead review to ensure you are operating with minimal costs and ensure that the costs are bucketed appropriately. Once the review is complete, you will have an Overhead Rate %, that will allow you to properly allocate overhead in your estimates per project. Example: Internet Bill, Sales Lunches
Estimating & Invoicing:
Business owners know when they aren't turning a decent profit - but they may not know why. By creating estimate templates, specific to your business and services, Broven can ensure you know exactly how much profit you have built into your construction bidding and estimates. Understanding your true costs of labor and material, overhead rate % and profit level by job or service is crucial to your estimating success. Invoicing should be the easiest (and most fun) part of your job - if its not, Broven can help!
Vendor & Supplier:
Vendors and suppliers can have leverage over small business owners - especially when the business is crunched on time. Broven has a singular focus on your savings - we dedicate the time to research all solutions and have years of contract negotiation experience. Example: Material Supplier, Copier Contract
Process & Administration
If your business can't seem to get invoices out, or to make those follow-up calls - you most likely have a problem in your administration. Broven partners with your administrative team to improve process and reduce costs. Example: Administrative Assistant Coaching, Late AP/AR